
Tag Archives: Portland

So, I went down to the Occupy Portland site for the first time on Saturday (8 Oct, 2011) to check it out and take some pics. Pretty amazing scene involving people of all ages with a very wide variety of basic political views, but all united in the belief that this country is going in the wrong direction. I think I would paraphrase for most people there that the feeling is that we have become a

Government of the people but by the corporations and for the corporations

An interesting thing:…

The most common expression I heard when I was down there. What do you think it was? I heard it in conversations that I had, and time and again in conversations that other people were having. It is a very simple expression that started new thoughts expressed by some person: “I Think…”

I think…” Hmm. This is interesting to me, interesting on two levels.

First there is the immediate level: “I think…” indicates that one is thinking, implies that one is weighing a variety of ideas and currently giving preference to the one he or she is about to describe. Wow! Thinking. If this is real and Americans are beginning to think, then perhaps we are in the midst of a real revolution [he said snidely (and tongue firmly in cheek)].

But what I really see is the second, more profound meaning of “I think…” Implied within that introductory phrase is the thought: “I believe what follows, however I recognize that you might not agree with me, AND I respect your contrary opinion and your right to hold it!

I had just finished explaining this to one gentleman there, when up came 12-year-old Gabe, taking video on his smartphone. When asked about the event, he immediately began: “Well. I think…” I stopped him right there and asked, “Just why do you say ‘I think…’?” To which he replied, “Well this is my opinion, but I don’t want to say ‘I know.’ I don’t want to tell you how you have to think…”

To me, the key behind this is respect! A simple little idea, but I really believe it separates us from so many on the right who are so convinced that they have the one and only truth, and all who do not believe in it are un-American and evil. Here we have no lack of conviction – the people at Occupy Portland are acting on firmly held beliefs – but a lot (I am sure not all) are willing to give respect to others on a basic human level even if they hold other views.

 Personally, I think this is impressive.

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